Benjamin Franklin College

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

The Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility offers state-mandated Sexual Harassment Prevention Training. The Harassment Prevention: A Commonsense Approach web training is mandatory for all faculty and staff members within their first six months of hire. This training is currently offered online only.

Please note, all in-person sexual harassment prevention training is suspended until further notice. All faculty and staff are requested to complete their sexual harassment prevention training online.

Accessing the Harassment Prevention web training:

To complete the harassment prevention training online or to determine if you have already satisfied this training requirement, please log into Workday Learning.

For more information or questions about the Harassment Prevention: A Commonsense Approach course, please email the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility at:

On June 18, 2019, the state of Connecticut formally enacted new legislation aimed at preventing sexual harassment in the workplace known as the “Time’s Up Act”. This law broadens sexual harassment prevention training requirements for all Connecticut employers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yale had long provided sexual harassment prevention training to many employees, with a focus on supervisory employees.  This regulation requires that all Yale employees, including faculty and staff, complete mandatory sexual harassment prevention training.

All current employees must complete two hours of sexual harassment prevention training and all new employees are required to complete this training within six months of hire.

Employees who have completed sexual harassment prevention training at Yale via the in-person or e-learning versions of the Harassment-Free Workplace or the Harassment Prevention: A Commonsense Approach course since October 1, 2018, have met this requirement and do not need take any action at this time. All employees who last took sexual harassment prevention training prior to October 1, 2018, must complete training immediately.

Yale has partnered with Kantola Solutions to bring this important sexual harassment prevention training to all Yale employees as an e-learning option. You may elect to take the training all in one two-hour session or in self-paced segments. If you exit the program before completing it, the software will remember your place and you will not need to repeat content you have already completed.

The two-hour training program must be completed in its entirety for you to receive credit for completion. Your completion of the training will be documented in Workday Learning.

To access the sexual harassment prevention training please visit Workday Learning.

You can confirm if your training has been recorded as complete by logging into your Workday Learning account and accessing your learning transcript. Log into Workday, click “Learning,” then click “My Learning,” then click “View Learning Transcript.”

Supervisors and managers are an important part of Yale’s commitment to ensuring a harassment-free workplace environment. We ask for your assistance in explaining that this new requirement is designed to ensure that Yale’s faculty and staff have received the information they need to both prevent and respond appropriately to sexual harassment in the working environment.

No. The Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct course is a 20-minute online course that all employees, trainees, and students must complete as a requirement related to Title IX.

For additional information or questions about the new sexual harassment prevention training requirement or if you or your colleagues have a concern about a personal experience related to sexual harassment, please consult with Office of Institutional Equity and Access at (203) 432-0849 or