Center for Engineering Innovation & Design

OIEA Workplace Accommodations | Pregnancy-Related Conditions

The Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility (OIEA) administers Yale University’s Accommodation Program for faculty members, psychiatry residents, postdoctoral and postgraduate associates and fellows who are experiencing limitations based on pregnancy,1 childbirth or another related medical condition.2 These limitations can include any physical or mental condition related to, affected by, or arising out of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions and do not need to rise to the level of a disability as defined by the American with Disabilities Act. 

A reasonable accommodation is any adjustment to a job, work environment, work policy or practice that does not cause undue hardship and would help a person experiencing limitations due to pregnancy, childbirth or other related medical condition perform their job duties, apply for a job or enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment.  

  • Assistive technology 
  • Flexible Work Arrangements  
  • Flexible Schedules and leaves of absence (such as additional break time to allow a person to use the bathroom, eat and rest) 
  • Modified job duties for a temporary period (such as those which would allow a person to sit, drink water or be excused from strenuous activities or those that involve exposure to compounds not safe for pregnancy) 
  • Accommodations related to nursing, lactation and pumping 
  • Temporary suspension of essential job functions 
  • Job restructuring or reassignment 
  • Classroom/Office reassignment  
  • Use of Accessible Transit Van  
  • Rescheduling a Job Interview or modifying examinations 

Individuals who wish to request a reasonable accommodation due to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical issue should complete the Pregnancy Related Condition Accommodation Request Form. An assigned OIEA staff member will facilitate an interactive process with the requestor that may include their supervisor and other stakeholders to identify reasonable and appropriate accommodations.  

Any supervisor who receives a communication from a faculty member, psychiatry resident or postdoctoral/postgraduate associate or fellow indicating that they have a limitation related to, affected by, or arising out of pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition, should provide the individual with information about this accommodation process and a link to the intake form.  

Any supervisor who receives a request for a reasonable accommodation due to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical issue from a faculty member, psychiatry resident or postdoctoral/postgraduate associate and fellow that they supervise should promptly refer them to OIEA (by sending a link to the form) and notify OIEA through the Accommodation Notification Form. This request can take the form of a specific request or a simple statement of their need for an accommodation.  

Faculty members are advised to review Section XIX of the Faculty Handbook and Faculty Guidelines on Teaching Relief for Child Rearing, Parental Leave and Medical Leave for policies and guidelines regarding leaves of absence and teaching relief and may consult with Faculty Administrative Services to learn more. Faculty members with a primary appointment at the Yale School of Medicine are advised to review the School’s Child Rearing Leave policy. Postdoctoral and postgraduate associates and fellows are advised to consult with the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs. Psychiatry residents should consult the residency program’s manual and consult with the program’s Residency Program Directors 

Any staff member who is experiencing limitations based on pregnancy, childbirth or another related medical condition or is interested in learning more about leave and accommodation options available for pregnancy, childbirth or related medical issues should consult with the Absence Management and Accommodation Services unit in Yale Human Resources  

Any student who needs reasonable modifications to ensure access to an educational program or activity or perform their job duties due to pregnancy, childbirth or another related condition should consult with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator who supports their school or Student Accessibility Services 

Staff and Faculty members can also access parenting and childcare resources through Yale’s Worklife Programs. 


Pregnancy Related Accommodation Notification Form

Request an Accommodation
