The Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility (OIEA) administers Yale University’s Accommodation Program for faculty members, psychiatry residents, postdoctoral and postgraduate associates and fellows, and job applicants with disabilities and provides reasonable accommodations to those with documented disabilities.
A reasonable accommodation is any adjustment to a job, work environment, work policy or practice that doesn’t cause an undue hardship and would help a person with a disability:
- Apply for a job
- Perform their job duties
- Enjoy benefits and privileges of employment equal to those enjoyed by individuals without disabilities
Some common accommodations include:
- Assistive Technology
- Flexible Work Arrangements
- Classroom/Office Reassignment
- Adjustments to Workplace policies
- Job Reassignment
- Use of Accessible Transit Van
- American Sign Language Interpreter Services
- Job Materials in Alternate Formats (Large Print, Braille, etc.)
Individuals who wish to request a reasonable accommodation should complete the Accommodation Request Form and share the accompanying Health Care Provider Form with their provider. These forms authorize the Individual’s health care provider to discuss the request with OIEA and allows the health care provider to submit written medical documentation identifying the condition and the nature of restriction. Once an individual is enrolled in the program, they will be assigned to an OIEA staff member, who will work with the Individual to identify and implement accommodations that are reasonable and effective.
Please direct suggestions, comments, and inquiries concerning the university’s compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (which forbids discrimination on the basis of a student’s or an employee’s disability in university programs and activities) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (which protects qualified applicants and employees with disabilities from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, job training, fringe benefits, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment on the basis of disability) to:
Diane Cornelius Charles, J.D., Director
Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility
P.O. Box 208295
New Haven, CT 06520-8295
Campus Mail: 100 Wall Street, W.L. Harkness Hall, 3rd Fl
Voice: 203/432-0849
Fax: 203/432-7884